How to properly season a cast iron pan

To properly season a cast iron pan, follow these steps:

Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).

Wash the pan with hot, soapy water to remove any dirt or debris. Be sure to dry the pan thoroughly.

Coat the pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil or melted shortening, making sure to cover the entire surface of the pan, including the handle and the outside.

Place the pan upside down in the oven on a sheet of foil or a sheet pan to catch any drips.

Bake the pan for 1 hour.

Turn off the oven and let the pan cool inside the oven.

Once the pan has cooled, wipe away any excess oil with a paper towel.

Your cast iron pan is now seasoned and ready to use! To maintain the seasoning, be sure to avoid washing the pan with soap and always dry it thoroughly after washing to prevent rust. It’s also a good idea to season the pan every few months or whenever the surface starts to look dry or dull.

If you are interested in learning a little about Cooking with Cast Iron, check out this article – Cooking with Cast Iron.

If you don’t currently own a quality cast iron skillet, you can take a look at the various skillets available on Amazon by following this link.

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